Imagine actually owning the business of your dreams, working with clients who adore you, and having both the freedom and profit to live the life you want.

Imagine waking up and being so overjoyed about the work you do, you feel like pinching yourself. Imagine falling in love with every client you work with, and they fall in love with you back. Imagine your business being profitable without being overbooked, overworked, and sacrificing valuable time with the people you care about. 

How valuable would absolute clarity be, knowing that you are on the path that gets you there? How much do you desire a support system to walk beside you to get you to your dream destination?

How ready are you to take the next step and invest in your greatest asset, yourself?

What if I told you all these things are possible despite the fact that you think:

You are in an oversaturated market

Clients won't pay that much in your area

Your work isn't good enough

You have to shoot film to be high end

You struggle with social media and networking

You aren’t trendy

You don’t seem to fit in

You work another job

then you have just landed on a page that could transform your business and life forever. I, myself, am a group mastermind success story, and I want the same for you! 

If all these things RESONATE with you,

"Every moment spent learning from her has been nothing short of transformational."

"And if I’m being truly honest I’m not sure where I would be today in my photography career if it had not been for Abigail . She is the most beautiful photographer on the planet but she also is so ready to share her knowledge and skills with others so that they can take breathtaking photographs too! Abigail Malone is truly a beautiful person on the inside and outside and she’s one of the most talented human beings I know. I can’t wait to have another session with her to learn even more.” 


Kind Words:

Welcome to our 2025 Group Mastermind! 

Just a few years ago, I was right where you are now. Sitting at a crossroads in your business; wanting to grow, achieve more, make more money, but not sure how. Frustrated and stuck in a cycle of overworked and undervalued. Your work is beautiful, but somehow you just can't connect with the clients of your dreams. Or, maybe you feel uninspired with your work because it doesn’t feel quite like “you” anymore, and want to transform your business into something more authentic. You are overlooked by planners and industry leaders, and chasing down leads trying to convince them to book you.

I am so excited to share this life changing program with you! 

Just seven years ago, I was at this place.

I had a full time job I was scared to leave, working nights and weekends on my business and still felt the wheels churning in the mud. I was frustrated, overworked, stressed to the max, and burned out to the point that I considered quitting photography. I took a leap of faith enrolled in a group mastermind program. The thought of a mastermind made me uncomfortable, the financial commitment, the time commitment, putting myself out there, being part of a group of strangers, doing intensive work; it all scared me, which is why I knew I had to do it.

I did not want to play it safe anymore.

 I had to have faith in myself. If I was going to grow, I needed to push myself through, reach for help, and do the work. And, it completely changed everything. My mindset changed, my confidence grew, my business ran smoother, I tripled my income, made lifelong friends, found peace and fulfillment, and was able to quit my other job, all within within one year of the program. My hope is that you are also able to say this at the end of this program. 

What if you could be part of a group program that…

Actively listens, encourages, and supports you in your goals.
Gives you access to a wealth of information from photographers with decades of experience
Offers strategic solutions when you get “stuck”
Is small and intimate so you won’t be intimidated
Meets weekly to hold you accountable
Helps you break through your mental blocks
Helps you overcome limiting beliefs and fears that hold you back
Gives you fulfillment of your business and life again

1:1 calls and text support allows you direct access to me for any question big or small and to check in on your personal progress and give feedback. 

1:1 coaching calls with Abigail (three 1:1 calls)

What's Included:

Learn from the best minds in our industry to accelerate the growth of your business. These speakers will inspire and challenge you.

Industry Expert Guest Speakers

Build trust and community with like minded peers at the same point in their journey who will challenge and support you. Group members will be selected by application process to be sure the group can gel together and be able to not only encourage but add valuable ideas and solutions to help you grow. (5-10 people) Group calls are once a week for 2 hours. You can sign up for 3 or 6 months. 

Guidance and mentorship via weekly small group zoom coaching calls (THREE 0r six months of weekly zoom calls Jan 2025-June 2025)

Build trust and community with like minded peers at the same point in their journey who will challenge and support you. Group members will be selected by application process to be sure the group can gel together and be able to not only encourage but add valuable ideas and solutions to help you grow. (5-10 people)

Access to exclusive resources, business and goal focused

There is SO much business and life transforming goodness packed into this 6 month program. Throughout this time, there will be weekly group zoom calls as well as 1:1 calls with me. This program will be a small group of 6-10 people. I have always been someone who thrives in small groups instead of getting lost in a large crowd. Group members will be selected by application process to be sure the group can gel together and be able to lift and support each other through this journey. 

"Abigail taught me a lot about realizing my worth."

“ After working as a full time photographer for 10 years I was starting to feel the burn out. With her help, I was able to not only raise my prices, but work with clients who value my work. Her knowledge elevated my work and really helped me to grow!”

— Emily —

Kind Words:

Quit her other job and became reliable and profitable on her own

Triple her income while cutting the amount of work in half

Get systems in place so her business runs smoothly 

Develop a social media marketing strategy

Build a team of support for outsourcing tasks like culling and editing

Build a SEO optimized website

Scale her businesses by launching a new branch of elopement photography with an associate photography team.

After 6 months of coaching, one client was able to: 


"Abigail is an amazing mentor!"

"I was looking for someone established & thriving to help guide me further in my career. She helped me grow my business significantly! She helped with everyday little things, to big picture projects. These things of course take time; one & a half years later I can see the huge growth that happened thanks to Abigail’s mentorship!! If you feel stuck, need a professional perspective or ideas, reach out to Abigail!”


"She has by far been the most amazing and impactful mentor I could have ever met on my journey."


“I have known Abigail Malone for over a decade. She is my go to person with any question that I ever have! Abigail is also an amazing encourager, friend, & confidant. She isn’t afraid to give you constructive criticism but in the most positive way. She has helped me grow over the past 10 years into a photographer that I can be proud of. Abigail sees in me what I can’t see in myself sometimes and for that I am truly grateful. The way she teaches & the way she breaks down information so that everyone can understand it is also a talent in and of itself. Every moment spent learning from her has been nothing short of transformational."

Fast wins are of course amazing, but I’m in it for the long run.

True established change happens over time, through a series of calculated smaller goals, that work together for larger goals. I absolutely LOVE photography and in those dark days when I started to doubt the work I was doing, I knew something had to change. From a very early age helping others is something that has come naturally and just felt really good to do.  I am a complete open book, and those who know me can attest to that. This program is a culmination of years spent as a classroom teacher, mentor, workshop host, education event host, 1:1 coach, professional photographer, along with my own mastermind success story, and as a result of many mentors I have had along the way. Lets grow the business and life of your dreams together!

If you would like more information please reach out. Here is the link to the online application. I cannot wait to get started!