Welcome to the Abigail Malone Photography blog, where I share beautiful love stories.

The Blog


We all remember our childhood crush. Whether he was the dreamy boy next door or the 4th grade class clown, he lives on in half-forgotten memories…and in dad’s catalogue of embarrassing stories to tell at the worst possible times. But for most of us, that’s all a first crush ever is: a memory. For Fionnie, her childhood crush became so much more. On a radiant summer day at Marblegate Farm in Knoxville, Fionnie’s lifelong crush, Jacob, promised to love her forever.


In the age of Pinterest, Instagram and an infinite supply of wedding blogs bursting with inspiration, a once-original idea can be passed in the blink of an eye from bride to bride until it becomes ubiquitous. And while each of these trends is undeniably beautiful and worthy of repeating, there is something magical about a wedding that is utterly unique. A celebration that, through some picture-perfect alchemy, unmistakably bears the thumbprints of the couple saying “I do.” A celebration like the Chattanooga wedding of Mandi and Oliver – the couple who first locked eyes in the heart of an antique store.  


John and Abigail Pothen were married in the summer of 2014 in a small Virginia chapel. Their wedding was beautiful, but with John entering medical school, they had to keep it simple. For their third wedding anniversary, the couple decided to renew their vows. Only this time, they were able to add the details that reflect their unique story.


Lauren and Jeremy’s wedding at The Standard in Downtown Knoxville was classic, initmate, and fun! Read all about their special day and their experience working with Abigail Malone Photography.